Fan-Out-Panel-Level Package Report 2019

- Marketing and Technological Trends
in the Global Fan-Out-Panel-Level Package Industry - | |
Date | September 27, 2019 |
Price | Hard Copy + Soft Copy: JPY560,000- |
Size | A4 x 243 pages + an Appendix Chapter |
Keywords | FOPLP, package, IC, chip, substrate, wafer, |
*Pamphlet (1929KB) |
the Purpose of Publication
To Provide Basic Information on the Global Fan-Out-Panel-Level Package Industry.
The size of the global market of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages is expected to expand rapidly.
- The size of the market will expand to several billion US dollars in several years
in value.
- The size of the market will expand to several billion pieces in several years
in volume.
- The size of the market will expand to several million SQMs in several years
in volume.
a Remark: The size of the market in value excludes IC chips.
Samsung Group has already been producing the FO-PLPs on a large scale. After massive investments in production facilities, Powertech Technology Inc. will start FO-PLP production in the first half of 2021.
Considering the rapid growth of the market, JMS has prepared a research report on marketing and technological trends in the global FO-PLP industry.
The report covers not only the FO-PLPs themselves but also materials for them. When you see tables on FO-PLP specifications in the report, you will find what kinds of materials are adopted in what parts of the FO-PLPs. THESE ARE EXTREMELY DETAILED SPECIFICATION TABLES COVERING MANY OTHER ITEMS SUCH AS ENCAPSULANT PRODUCT NAME AND RDL DIELECTRIC LAYER THICKNESS AND SO ON.
Table of Contents
[Preliminary Chapter] Preliminary Items
0. Preliminaries
1. an Overview of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Package Manufacturing
2. Examples of Manufacturing Flows of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages
2-1. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of RDL-First-&-Face-Down-Type Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages
2-2. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of Chip-First-&-Face-Up-Type Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages
2-3. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of Chip-First-&-Face-Down-Type Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages
3. Appendices to the Examples of Manufacturing Flows of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages
3-1. Appendix: Seed Layer Application to Seed Layer Removal
3-2. Appendix: Solder Mask Coating to Solder Mask Development
4. Fan-Out-Panel-Level-Package-Related Reference Information
4-1. Illustrations of the Structure of an IC Wafer
4-1-1. a Rough Pictorial Appearance of a Typical Wafer for Use in ICs After Die Fabrication
4-1-2. a Rough Cross-Sectional Picture of an IC Die
4-2. Illustrations of Structures of Bumped IC Wafers
4-2-1. a Rough Pictorial Appearance of a Typical Solder-Bumped Wafer
4-2-2. a Rough Cross-Sectional Picture of a Solder-Bumped IC Die
4-2-3. a Rough Pictorial Appearance of a Typical Copper-Pillar-Bumped Wafer
4-2-4. a Rough Cross-Sectional Picture of a Copper-Pillar-Bumped IC Die
4-3. Fan-Out-Panel-Level-Package-Related Images
5. Embedded Trace Substrates
5-1. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of Embedded Trace Substrates
5-2. Remarks
5-3. Embedded-Trace-Substrate-Related Images
[Chapter One] the Global Markets of FO-PLPs and Related Things
0. Preliminaries
0-1. an Example of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Manufactured by Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.
0-1-1. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Manufactured by Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd.
0-1-2. Appendices to “0-1-1.”
0-1-2-1. a Modified Semi-Additive Process Possibly Utilized in Manufacturing the Three-Layer HDI in “0-1-1.”
0-1-2-2. a Modified Semi-Additive Process Likely to be Utilized in Manufacturing the Three-Layer HDI in “0-1-1.”
0-1-3. Samsung-Electro-Mechanics-Co.,-Ltd.-Manufactured-Fan-Out-Panel-Level-Package-Related Reference Information
0-2. an Example of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Manufactured with Mitsui Mining & Smelting's HRDP ®
0-2-1. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Manufactured with Mitsui Mining & Smelting's HRDP ®
0-2-2. a Correlation Chart Between Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. and Geomatec Co., Ltd. in the HRDP Manufacturing Business
0-3. an Example of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Manufactured with Prepreg
0-3-1. an Example of Manufacturing Flows of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Manufactured with Prepreg
0-3-2. a Related Image
0-4. a Stepper-Related Small Piece of Reference Information
1. the Global Markets of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages and Related Products
1-1. Categorization of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages and Related Things
1-1-1. a Review on the Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages Introduced in This Report
1-1-2. The Expected Launching Years of FO-PLPs by Type of IC Chip
1-1-3. Feasibility of FO-PLPs by Type of IC Chip
1-1-4. Possible Entrant Industries
1-1-5. Possible Entrant Manufacturers into the FO-PLP Industry
1-2. the Global Markets of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages and Related Products
1-2-0. IC Packages that are Expected to Adopt FO-PLPs
1-2-1. the Global Markets of FO-PLP Application Products
1-2-1-1. Smartphones
1-2-1-2. Smart Watches
1-2-1-3. Tablet PCs
1-2-1-4. Note PCs
1-2-1-5. Desk Top PCs
1-2-1-6. Servers
1-2-1-7. Video Game Consoles
1-2-2. the Global Markets of FO-PLPs
1-2-2-1. an Extended Overview
1-2-2-2. the Entire Market
1-2-3. the Global Markets of FO-PLPs by IC Type
1-2-3-1. Application Processors
1-2-3-2. CPUs
1-2-3-3. GPUs
1-2-3-4. FPGAs
1-2-3-5. DRAMs
1-2-3-6. NAND Flash Memories
1-2-3-7. PMICs
1-2-4. Manufacturers’ Share of the Global FO-PLP Markets
1-2-4-1. 2018
1-2-4-2. 2019
1-3. Forecast on Specifications of Fan-Out-Panel-Level Packages, 2017 - 2028
1-3-1. Application Processors
1-3-2. CPUs
1-3-3. GPUs
1-3-4. FPGAs
1-3-5. DRAMs
1-3-6. NANDs
1-3-7. PMICs
[Appendix Chapter] Corporate Presentations of Interviewees
1. Compeq Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
2. Elite Material Co., Ltd.
3. Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corporation
4. Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corporation
5. Unimicron Technology Corporation