Market Report on High Speed / High frequency PCB Materials for Mobile

Date | Published on 31 August, 2021 |
Price | Hard Copy & Soft Copy(CD-ROM):620,000JPY |
Size | A4 x 362 pages |
Focal points of this report
1. Analysis of Market and technology trend for 5G mobile terminals,
high speed / high frequency PCB (and FPC),
and low Df type PCB materials (CCL/Prepreg and FCCL).
2. Technology trend of high speed / high frequency PCB (and FPC)
for each application:
regarding PCB size, layer-count, adoption trend of PCB and FPC materials...
3. Market size and market forecast of high speed / high frequency PCB (and FPC)
- Market breakdown in Y2020 (by manufacturer, by PCB material type...)
- Market forecast of high speed / high frequency PCB Y2020-2030
(by application, by PCB material type,...)
4. Market size and market forecast of high speed / high frequency
CCL/Prepreg (and FCCL) for mobile.
- Market breakdown in Y2020 (by manufacturer, by material type...)
- Market forecast of high speed / high frequency CCL/PP & FCCL Y2020-2030
(by application, by material type,...)
- Supply chain, price range... etc.
5. Market trend of film in FPC
- Market breakdown in Y2020 (by manufacturer, by material type)
- Market forecast of high speed / high frequency film Y2020-2030
(by application, by material type,...)
6. Market trend of high speed / high frequency adhesive sheet
Table of Contents
Chapter 1, Summary
High speed / high frequency circuit board for Smartphone (SP) p2
Overview of high speed / high frequency circuit board for mobile p3
Market outlook for high speed and high frequency PCB in SP p4
High speed / high frequency board manufacturer ranking for SP p5
Market size forecast for high speed / high frequency PCB materials for SP p6
High speed / high frequency PCB material manufacturer ranking for SP p7
Future high speed trends of SLP (PCB) and CCL/PP p8
Expansion of AiP market p9
Trends of high speed FPC introduction of 4G/5G-sub6 antenna modules p10
Market Trends in high speed FPC for 5G-millimeter wave antenna modules p11
Market trends for high speed FCCL for mobile p12
Manufacturers’ share of high speed FCCL for antenna modules (Y2020) p13
Chapter 2, Market trends in high speed / high frequency PCB and CCL/PP
Sec.1 Trend in high speed PCB and their CCL/PP for mobile
1. Applications of the high speed PCB and CCL / PP for mobile p14
2. Adoption trend of high speed PCB for mobile p15
3. Technology trends of main PCB (High speed SLP / High speed SiP)
and CCL/PP for mobile in advanced products p16
4. Market size and forecast of high speed PCB for mobile
1) Market size and forecast for devices that adopted High speed SLP
or High speed SiP (Y2020-2030) p17
2) Market size and forecast of high speed PCB for mobile (Y2020-2030) p18
5. Trends in high speed CCL/PP for mobile
1) List of CCL/PP manufacturers for high speed SLP for mobile p20
2) Characteristic data of major manufacturers’ product p21
3) Market size and forecast of CCL/PP for high speed PCB for mobile
(Y2020-2030) p22
4) Market size and forecast of CCL/PP by product type p24
5) Market size and forecast of CCL/PP by Df class p26
6) Market size and forecast of CCL/PP by resin type p28
6. Supply chain of SLP p30
7. Price range for SLP and High speed SLP, and PCB materials for mobile p31
Sec.2 Trends in AiP substrates and their CCL/PP
1. Antenna in Package (AiP) overview p32
2. Adoption status of AiP and 5G-mmWave antenna for major smartphones
1) Specifications and adopted mmWave antennas of major 5G smartphone
manufacturers / devices p34
2) Examples of major products
(1) Apple Inc. (iPhone12 *Device for the United States) p35
(2) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (Galaxy S10 5G) p36
3. Smartphone market trends for 5G-mmWave and technology trends
for AiP / AiP substrate / CCL/PP
1) Overall p37
2) Apple Inc p38
3) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd p39
4) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd p40
4. Market size and forecast of AiP substrate
1) Market size and forecast of AiP p41
2) Market size and forecast of AiP substrate (Y2020-2030) p42
3) Market share of AiP substrate by manufacturer (Y2020) p44
5. Trend of CCL/PP for AiP
1) List of major CCL/PP manufacturers for AiP p46
2) Characteristic data of major CCL/PP manufacturers’ product for AiP p47
3) Market size and forecast of CCL/PP for AiP by Df class / resin type
(Y2020-2030) p48
4) Market breakdown of CCL/PP for AiP by Df class / resin type / manufacturers
(1) Overall market p52
(2) Market share of CCL/PP for AiP by manufacturers p54
(3) Market share of CCL/PP for AiP by Df class p56
(4) Market share of CCL/PP for AiP by resin type p58
6. Relationship of supply
1) Flow of supply for CCL/PP and AiP substrate p60
2) Supply chain p61
7. Price range of AiP, their substrate and their PCB material p62
Chapter 3, Trend of high frequency FPC for mobile
1. Definition of high speed and high frequency FPC for mobile p63
2. Classification of high speed and high frequency FPC for mobile p64
3. Products under survey p65
4. Technology trends for high speed and high frequency FPC
1) Antenna module
(1) 4G, Sub6, UWB antenna technology trends by smartphone p66
(2) Trends of 5G millimeter-wave antenna technology by smartphone p67
(3) Apple's Technology Trends p68
2) dock flex/sub board p69
3) display module p70
4) camera module p71
5. Mobile phone market size
1) Market share by manufacturer of smartphones
(1) 2019 p72 (2) 2020 p73
2) Market share by manufacturer of 5G smartphones (Including Sub 6) p74
3) Trends and forecasts of mobile phone market size (including 5G smartphones)
2017 through 2030 p75
6. supply chain
1) smartphone
(1) iPhone p76 (2) Samsung, Others p77
2) Other devices p78
7. Trend of FPC with high frequency
1) iPhone antenna module
(1) Evolution of antenna boards in iPhone iPhone p79
(2) iPhone 12 antenna module iPhone p81
(3) Disassembling the antenna module of iPhone 12 p82
(4) Adoption trends of FPC, FCCL, and Film for antenna modules p83
2) Dock flex of iPhone
(1) Tear-down view p84
(2) Adoption trends of FPC, FCCL, Film for dock flex p85
3) Samsung antenna module
(1) Tear-down view of antenna module p86
(2) Adoption trends of FPC, FCCL, and Film for antenna modules p88
4) Huawei antenna module
(1) Tear-down view of antenna module p89
5) Status of other FPC manufacturers p90
8. Market size (2020)
1) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FPC 2020 p91
2) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FPC by type 2020 p93
3) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FPC by resin (LCP) 2020 p95
4) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FPC by resin (MPI) 2020 p97
5) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FPC by resin (LCP and MPI) 2020
(1) Volume based p99 (2) Value based p100
6) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FPC by application Overall 2020 p101
*Volume based / Value based
(1) for Antenna module p105
(2) Antenna module for AiP p108
(3) Dock flex/sub board p111
(4) Display and Camera module p114
(5) Others p117
(6) Other devices, Wireless earphones p120
(7) Other devices, Smart watch p123
(8) Other devices, Tablet p126
(9) Other devices, Computer p129
9. Market size forecast of high frequency FPC 2020 through 2030
*Volume based / Value based
1) Market size forecast of high frequency FPC 2020 through 2030
(Overall) p132
2) Market size forecast of high frequency FPC by application
2020 through 2030 p135
3) Market size forecast of high frequency FPC by application and resin
2020 through 2030 p139
4) Market size forecast of high frequency FPC by resin and type
2020 through 2030 p143
5) Market size forecast of high frequency FPC by application
(1) Antenna module p147
(2) Antenna module for AiP p151
(3) Dock flex/sub board p155
(4) Display and Camera module p159
(5) Others p163
(6) Other devices, Wireless earphones p167
(7) Other devices, Smart watch p171
(8) Other devices, Tablet p175
(9) Other devices, Computer p179
Chapter 4, Market trends High speed / High frequency film and FCCL for FPC
Sec.1 High speed / High frequency film
(LCP, modified polyimide, fluororesin/polyimide)
1. Definition of high speed and high frequency film for FPC p183
2. Classification of high speed and high frequency film for FPC p184
3. Product Overview, specifications, and characteristics
1) Manufacturers which entered the market of LCP film
(1) Major manufacturers/product names/product stages p185
(2) Comparison of specifications of LCP film manufacturers p186
2) Product overview and MPI / fluororesin / polyimide manufacturers p187
4. Major market entrants - manufacturers and their status
1) LCP film p188
2) Status of modified polyimide and fluororesin/polyimide film by manufactures p189
5. Market size (2020)
*Volume based / Value based
1) Market share by manufacturer (Overall) p190
2) Market share by resin p192
3) Market share by Application (Overall) p196
4) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(for Antenna module) p200
5) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Antenna module for AiP) p203
6) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Dock flex/sub board) p206
7) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Display and Camera module) p209
8) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Others) p212
9) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Other devices, Wireless earphones) p215
10) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Other devices, Smart watch) p218
11) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Other devices, Tablet) p221
12) Manufacturers' share of high frequency films by application
(Other devices, Computer) p224
6. Market size forecast of high frequency films 2020 through 2030
1) Market size forecast of high frequency films by Resin
2020 through 2030 p227
2) Market size forecast of high frequency films by Resin and type of FCCL
2020 through 2030 p230
3) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 p233
4) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Antenna module) p237
5) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Antenna module for AiP) p240
6) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Dock flex/sub board) p243
7) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Display and Camera module) p246
8) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Others) p249
9) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Other devices, Wireless earphones) p252
10) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Other devices, Smart watch) p255
11) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Other devices, Tablet) p258
12) Market size forecast of high frequency films by application
2020 through 2030 (Other devices, Computer) p261
7. Price trends p264
Sec. 2 high speed and high frequency FCCL
1. Definition of high speed and high frequency FCCL for FPC p265
2. Classification of FCCL for high-speed and high-frequency FPC p266
3. Product overview and status of the manufacturers
(1) Product overview of LCP FCCL p267
(2) status of major LCP-FCCL manufacturers p268
(3) Product Specifications of LCP-FCCL p269
2) Product overview of MPI FCCL p270
(1) Status of MPI FCCL manufacturers p271
3) FCCL, which adopted fluororesin/polyimide film p272
4. Market size 2020
1) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL p273
2) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL
(Single-sided/ Double-sided) p275
3) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL
(by resin / LCP) p278
4) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL
(by resin / MPI) p280
5) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL
(by type/ Cast and Laminate, Volume based) p282
6) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL
(by type/ Cast and Laminate, Value based) p284
7) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL by application
(Overall) p286
8) Manufacturers' share of high frequency FCCL by application
(1) for Antenna module p289
(2) Antenna module for AiP p291
(3) Dock flex/sub board p293
(4) Display and Camera module p295
(5) Others p297
(6) Other devices, Wireless earphones p299
(7) Other devices, Smart watch p301
(8) Other devices, Tablet p303
(9) Other devices, Computer p305
5. Market size forecast of high frequency FCCL 2020 through 2030
*Volume based / Value based
1) Market size forecast of high frequency FCCL 2020 through 2030
(Overall) p307
2) Market size forecast of high frequency FCCL by resin and type
2020 through 2030 p311
3) Market size forecast of high frequency FCCL by application
2020 through 2030 (Overall) p315
(1) Antenna module p319
(2) Antenna module for AiP p323
(3) Dock flex/sub board p327
(4) Display and Camera module p331
(5) Others p335
(6) Other devices, Wireless earphones p339
(7) Other devices, Smart watch p343
(8) Other devices, Tablet p347
(9) Other devices, Computer p351
6. Price p355
Sec.3 High frequency compatible adhesive
1. Definition of high speed and high frequency compatible adhesive p356
2. Product overview of each company p357
3. characteristics of major companies p358
4. Market size (2020) p360
5. Market size forecast 2020 through 2030 p361