FPC & Rigid-flex PCB Report 2022

Date | Published on August 9, 2022 |
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Focal points of this report
・FPC & Rigid-flex PCB trends by manufacturer and market size forecast (2021)
・Analysis of technology trends in application.
*For smartphone: camera module, touch sensor module, display module (LCD and
OLED), sensor shift suspension, Antenna modules, dock flex/sub-board,
tablet, HDD, personal computers, automotive, Wireless earphones, smart watches,
・Market trends for high-speed/high-frequency FPCs for 5G mobile devices
・Trends of FPC usages and decomposition iPhone and Galaxy and Xperia and
Huawei, and Vivo
・Supply chain
・Analysis and prediction of multi-layer & Rigid-flex PCB by layer-count
(3layer, 4layer, 5layer)
・Analysis of the status of initiatives by major companies
*Each item is divided into general-purpose PI, LCP, and MPI.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
・FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Market size forecast p2
・FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Market size forecast
(General-purpose FPC & High frequency FPC) p3
・FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB manufacturer ranking 2021 p4
・FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB manufacturers’ share 2021
(Includes / Not include assembly business) p5-p6
・FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB manufacturers’ share by resin
(General Purpose polyimide FPC) (LCP-based FPC) (MPI-based FPC) p7-p9
・Manufacturers’ share of FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by application
(PI) (By resin-LCP) (By resin-MPI) p10-p12
・Market size forecast by layer count p13
・Market size forecast by layer count and by resin p14
・Market size forecast Single-sided FPC by application p15
・Market size forecast Single-sided FPC by resin p16
・Market size forecast Double-sided FPC by application p17
・Market size forecast Double-sided FPC by resin p18
・Market size forecast Multilayer by application p19
・Market size forecast Multilayer by resin p20
・Market size forecast Rigid-flex by application p21
・Market size forecast Rigid-flex by resin p22
・Market trends in FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by Application p23
・Market trends in FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by Application (by resin) p24
・Market trends in FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by Application (overall) p26
・Market trends in FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by Application (Mobile phone) p27
Market share of Mobile Phone (2021) p28
Market size forecast of Mobile Phone p29
Trends of FPC usages and decomposition iPhone13Pro p30
Trends of FPC usages and decomposition Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G p31
Trends of FPC usages and decomposition Galaxy Z Flip 3 Ultra 5G p32
Trends of FPC usages and decomposition Xperia Pro p33
Trends of FPC usages and decomposition Huawei Mate 30 Pro p34
Trends of FPC usages and decomposition Vivo NEX3 5G p35
Market trends in FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Mobile phone by application p36
Market trends in FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Mobile phone by resin p37
Trends of FPC for Camera Module (for Mobile Phone) p38
Market size forecast of FPC for Camera Module (for Mobile Phone) p39
Market size forecast of FPC for Camera Module by resin p40
Trends of FPC for sensor shift suspension p41
Market size forecast of FPC for sensor shift suspension p42
Trends of FPC for Touch sensor panel (for Mobile Phone) p43
Market size forecast of Display module FPC (for LCD) p44
Trends of FPC for display module (for OLED), Market size forecast
for OLED panels for smartphones p45
Manufacturer's share for display modules (for OLED) p46
Display module (for OLED) trend (FPC manufacturer trend for iPhone) p47
Market size forecast of FPC for display module (for OLED)
(by resin/layer count) p48
Market size forecast of FPC for display module (for OLED)
(Multilayer/Rigid-flex by resin) p49
Market size forecast for FPC for antenna modules (overall) p50
Market size forecast of FPC for antenna module
(4G/5G/sub6/USB antenna/antenna module for AiP) p51
Manufacturers' share of FPC for antenna modules
(4G/5G/sub6/USB antennas/antenna modules for AiP) p52
FPC market size forecast for antenna modules
(4G/5G/sub6/USB antenna) p53
Antenna Module Trends (U Antenna for iPhone, UWB, ISM Antenna) p54
Antenna Module Trends (Galaxy UWB Antenna - S21 Ultra 5G) p55
Trend of in FPC antenna Module of AiP p56
FPC market size forecast Antenna Module of AiP p57
FPC market size forecast Antenna Module of AiP (by resin) p58
Trend of in FPC antenna Module (others) p59
Market size forecast in FPC for dock-flex, sub boards p60
Trend in FPC of dock-flex, sub boards p61
Market size forecast for dock-flex, sub boards by resin and layer count p62
・Market Trends by Application - Automotive FPC Market p63
Market Trends by Application - Automotive FPC Market p64
FPC for Automotive Products: Market size forecast of Automotive p65
Market size forecast for automotive products- by layer count and by resin p66
Trends of FPC by Application for Automotive
Automotive Electronics Parts in Which FPCs are Adopted p67
Trends of FPC by Application for Automotive
Categorization by FPC-Adopted p68
Trends of FPC by Application for Automotive
Trends in Parts in Which FPCs are Adopted p69
Manufacturers’ share of FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by application Automotive
Products p70
・Market trends by application - VR/AR p71
Market size forecast for VR/AR p72
Market size forecast of FPC for VR/AR p72
Market size forecast of FPC for VR/AR (by resin and layer count) p73
・Price trends p75
Chapter 1 Type of FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Market
1 Overview of FPC market - Classification and description of FPC p77
2 Market size of FPC
2-1 FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Total Market (including assembly) p78
2-2 FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Total Market (not include assembly) p80
2-3 Manufacturers’ share by layer-count
2-3-1 Single-sided, Double-sided, Multilayer, Rigid-flex p81
2-3-2 by resin (PI, LCP, MPI) p83
2-3-3 Manufacturers’ share by resin of multilayer (PI, LCP, MPI) p85
2-3-4 Manufacturers’ share by resin of Rigid-flex (PI, LCP, MPI) p87
2-4 Manufacturers’ share by Application overall p89
2-4-1 Manufacturers’ share by Application Multilayer p93
2-4-2 Manufacturers’ share by Application Rigid-flex p97
Chapter 2 Trend of high frequency of FPC & Rigid-flex
1 Definition of high speed and high frequency FPC for mobile p102
2 Classification of high speed and high frequency FPC for mobile p103
3 Products under survey p104
4 Market size forecasts of high frequency FPC p105
5 Technology trends for high speed and high frequency FPC
5-1 Antenna module p106
(1) 4G, Sub6, UWB antenna technology trends by smartphone
(2) Trends of 5G millimeter-wave antenna technology by smartphone
(3) Technology Trends of Apple
5-2 dock flex/sub board p109
5-3 Display module p110
5-4 Camera module p111
6 Supply chain
(1) iPhone p112
(2) Samsung, others p113
7 Trend of FPC with high frequency
7-1 iPhone antenna module p114
(1) Evolution of antenna modules in iPhone
(2) iPhone 13 antenna module
(3) Trend of antenna module FPC
7-2 Dock flex of iPhone p118
(1) Tear-down view
(2) Trend of dock flex FPC
7-3 Samsung antenna module p119
(1) Tear-down view
(2) Trend of Antenna FPC
7-4 Status of other FPC manufacturers p122
Chapter 3 Market of FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB by Application
1 Market trends by Application
1-1 Overall market by Application by layer-count (Volume/Amount) p124
1-2 Overall market by Application by layer-count (Amount-based) p126
1-3 Manufacturers’ share by Application (Overall Market) (Volume-based) p128
1-4 Manufacturers’ share by Application (Overall Market) (Amount-based) p129
2 Manufacturers’ share by Application
2-1 Total Mobile Phone Market p130
2-2 Camera module (Mobile Phone) Market p137
2-3 Sensor Shift suspension (Mobile Phone) p144
2-4 Touch Sensor panel module (Mobile Phone) p147
2-5 Display Module of LCD (Mobile Phone) p150
2-6 Display Module of OLED (Mobile Phone) p157
2-7 Antenna module (Mobile Phone) p164
2-8 Antenna module of AiP (Mobile Phone) p171
2-9 Dock flex, sub board (Mobile Phone) p178
2-10 Others (sensor and modules and etc) (Mobile Phone) p185
3 Market of Table FPC
3-1 Total market of Tablet p192
3-2 Camera module (Tablet) p199
3-3 Display module (Tablet) p206
3-4 touch sensor panel module (Tablet) p213
3-5 Antenna module (Tablet) p218
3-6 Others for tablet p223
4 FPC of HDD
4-1 Suspension for HDD p230
4-2 Actuator and Others for HDD p233
5 FPC of PC
5-1 FPC of PC (Mac book , Lets note) p236
5-2 FPC of PC others p243
6 Automotive Products p248
7 Wireless earphones for FPC p255
8 Smart Watch of FPC p262
9 VR/AR of FPC p267
10 Industrial, Aerospace, Military and Others p272
*share by layer count/Multilayer/Rigid-flex (Volume/Amount)
*general purpose PI, LCP, MPI
Chapter 4 FPC Market Size Forecast
1 Market size forecast by layer-count
1-1 Market size forecast by layer-count for Total FPC (Volume-based) p280
1-2 Market size forecast by layer-count for Total FPC (Amount-based) p282
1-3 Market size forecast by application overall (Volume-based) p284
1-4 Market size forecast by application overall (Amount-based) p286
1-5 Market size forecast by application of resin
1-5-1 Market size forecast by Single-sided p288
1-5-2 Market size forecast by Double-sided p290
1-5-3 Market size forecast by Multilayer p298
1-5-4 Market size forecast by Rigid-flex p312
2 Market size forecast of application *PI, LCP, MPI
2-1 Market size forecast of application Total Mobile phone p322
2-2 Market size forecast of application of Camera module p330
2-3 Market size forecast of application by Sensor Shift suspension p338
2-4 Market size forecast of application by Touch Sensor panel module p342
2-5 Market size forecast of application by Display Module (LCD) p346
2-6 Market size forecast of application by Display Module (OLED) p352
2-7 Market size forecast of application by Antenna module p360
2-8 Market size forecast of application by Antenna module of AiP p368
2-9 Market size forecast of application by Dock flex, sub board p376
2-10 Market size forecast of application by Others (sensor and modules and etc) p384
3 Market size forecast of application by Tablet (PI, LCP, MPI)
3-1 Market size forecast of application (overall) p392
3-2 Market size forecast by application FPC of camera module (Tablet) p400
3-3 Market size forecast by application FPC of Display module (Tablet) p408
3-4 Market size forecast by application FPC of touch sensor panel module (Tablet) p416
3-5 Market size forecast by application FPC of Antenna module (Tablet) p422
3-6 Market size forecast by application FPC of Others for tablet p428
4 Market size forecast of application in FPC of HDD (PI, LCP, MPI)
4-1 Market size forecast by application FPC of Suspension for HDD p436
4-2 Market size forecast by application FPC of Actuator and Others for HDD p440
5 Market size forecast of application by FPC of PC
5-1 Market size forecast by application FPC of PC (Mac book, Lets note) p444
5-2 Market size forecast by application FPC of PC others p452
6 Market size forecast by application FPC of Automotive Products p458
7 Market size forecast by application FPC of Wireless earphones p466
8 Market size forecast by application FPC of Smart Watch p474
9 Market size forecast by application FPC of VR/AR p480
10 Market size forecast by application of Industrial, Aerospace, Military and Others p488
Chapter 5 Case Study
1. Japanese Manufacturer
Fujikura LTD. p497
Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. p504
2. Korean Manufacturer
BH CO., LTD. p533
NewFlex Technology Co., Ltd p551
SI FLEX CO., LTD. p560
YOUNGPOONG Electronics Co., Ltd. p569
3. Taiwanese Manufacturer
Career Technology (MFG.) Co., Ltd. p578
Compeq Manufacturing Co., Ltd. p586
FLEXium Interconnect.Inc. p595
Unimicron Techonology Corporation p603
Zhen Ding Technology Holding Limited. p609
4. Chinese Manufacturer
Shenzhen Kinwong Electronic co., Ltd. p618
Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. p627
AKM Industrial Co., Ltd. p643
JiangXi Holitech Technology Co., Ltd p644
Leader-tech Electronics (Shenzhen) INC p645
Netron Soft-Tech (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd p646
Zhuhai TOPSUN Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. p647
5. Others
MFS Technology., Ltd p648