FPC & FCCL Outlook Report

| November 10, 2015
| Hard Copy: JPY92,000-
| A4 x 62 pages
| FPC, FCCL, Rigid-Flex PCB, flexible PCB
*Pamphlet (215KB) |
Focal points of this report
- This is a condensed version of two of our marketing research reports, namely,
"FPC & Rigid-Flex PCB Report" and "FCCL Report".
This condensed report presents highlights of the following:
a) the global FPC market
b) the global Rigid-Flex PCB market
c) the global coverlay market
d) the global bonding sheet market
e) the global prepreg market
*The figures in the report are based on Year 2013 data.
Table of Contents
・Sales of FPC major manufacturers (2013)
Market trend of FPC
- An Outline of the FPC & Rigid-flex Market
- FPC Market size forecast
- Market size forecast of FPC & R/F PCB by layer-count
- Market size, actual and forecast by application (Volume)
- Market size, actual and forecast by application (Amount)
- Trend of FPC & R/F PCB manufacturer
- FPC & Rigid-flex PCB Manufacturers' sales (2013)
- FPC & Rigid-flex PCB Manufacturers' sales by layer-count (2013)
Market trend of FCC
- An Outline of the FCCL Market
- Production status of major manufacturer (Japanese companies)
- Production status of major manufacturer (Korean companies)
- Production status of major manufacturer (Taiwanese companies)
- Production status of major manufacturer (China and USA companies)
- Market size forecast of FCCL 2012-2020 (Volume)
- Market size forecast of FCCL 2012-2020 (Amount)
- Market size forecast for 2013 through 2022
- Manufacturers' share of 2-layer FCCL for 2013
- Market size of 3-layer FCCL forecast for 2009 through 2022
- Manufacturers' share of 3-layer FCCL 2013
- Market size of Coverlay forecast for 2009 through 2022
- Manufacturers' share of Coverlay 2013
- Market size forecast for Interlayer dielectric materials
- Manufacturers' share of Interlayer dielectric materials 2013
reference data
- Market size forecast of Tablet PC
- Market trend of Wearable device
- Market trend of Automotive
- Market size forecast of Mobile Phone
- Manufacturer's share Mobile phone market