Trends of Advanced IC packages in Data Center Era and the materials

~ Trends of 2.5D PKG, FO-WLP/PLP and the encapsulants,
RDL dielectric materials ~
Date | Published on November 5, 2020 |
Price | Hard copy + Soft copy: JPY570,000- |
Size | A4 x 327 pages |
*Brochure is here
Focal points of this report
* Trends of Heterogeneous Integration PKG
1. Trends of CPU/GPU/FPGA PKG for Data center
- Shift to 2.5D PKG, 3D PKG and Fan-out PKG
2. Technology trends of Advanced PKG
- 2.5D PKG: Size expansion of PKG and Si interposer,
Competitivity between 2.5D PKG and EMIB
- FO-WLP/PLP: Size expansion, Replacing in Si interposer by RDL technology
* Trends of main materials for IC PKG
1. Dielectric materials for RDL:
- Shift from FO-WLP to FO-PLP, Size expansion of PKG
- Market by application, type of photosensitivity, type of polymer
2. Encapsulants for wafer/panel base assembly
- Shift from Liquid to Granule and Sheet type
- Demand for wafer/panel level MUF
- Market by material form, applied PKG type, assembly process type
(Chip-First & Chip-Last)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Executive Summary
1. Overall trends of Heterogeneous Integration PKG p2
2. Market size forecast of Heterogeneous Integration PKG p3
3. Market trends of 2.5D like package p4
4. Market trends of FO-WLP/PLP p6
5. Adoption status of Heterogeneous Integration PKG by IC p11
6. Technology roadmap of major IC p13
7. Technology roadmap of Heterogeneous Integration PKG p14
8.Market trends of Encapsulants p15
9. Market trends of Dielectric materials p20
10. Supply chain of main materials p25
Chapter 2 Trends of ICs for Data Center
1. Requirements for machine learning and characteristics of the IC p28
2. Market entry trends of IC for Data center p29
3. Products of IC for Data center p31
4. Product trends of major IC companies p36
4.1 Intel
4.2 AMD
4.3 Nvidia
4.4 Xilinx
Chapter 3 Trends of Heterogeneous Integration packages
1. Outline of Heterogeneous integration packages p47
2. Technology trends of 2.5D package p51
3. Technology trends of 3D package p59
4. Technology trends of FO-WLP/PLP p62
5. PKG technology trends of major assemblers p74
6. List of market entry status of assemblers p85
7. Market trends of 2.5D like package
7.1 Trends of major assemblers p91
- Total market by IC
- Total market by w/ HBM & w/o HBM
- Total market by PKG type
- Total market by assembly type
- 2.5D package by IC and by reticle size
- CoW-based 2.5D package by IC
7.2 Market size forecast p106
- Total market by IC
- Total market by w/ HBM & w/o HBM
- Total market by PKG type
- 2.5D package by IC and by reticle size
- CoW-based 2.5D package by IC
8. Market trends of FO-WLP/PLP
8.1 Trends of major assemblers p115
- By PKG type
- By assembly process
- By applied encapsulant form
- By RDL count
8.2 Market size forecast p135
- By PKG type
- By assembly process type
- By applied encapsulant form
- By RDL count
Chapter 4 Trends of main packaging materials
A. Encapsulants for Wafer / Panel base packaging
1. Outline of encapsulation technologies and materials p149
2. Trends of encapsulants for Heterogeneous Integration PKG p161
3. Other uses of sheet encapsulant p171
4. Market entry status of encapsulant manufacturers p173
5. Trends of market and manufacturers
5.1 Market size and breakdowns in 2019 p177
5.2 Sales status of manufacturers p180
- All types of encapsulants for wafer/panel base assembly
- Liquid encapsulant for wafer/panel base assembly
- Granule encapsulant for wafer/panel base assembly
5.3 Market size forecast p185
- All types of encapsulants for wafer/panel base assembly
- All types by wafer base & panel base
- Liquid encapsulant by wafer base & panel base
- Granule encapsulant by wafer base & panel base
- Sheet encapsulant by wafer base & panel base
B. Dielectric materials for RDL
1. Outline of Dielectric materials p206
2. Required characteristics of Dielectric materials p210
3. Main application of photosensitive film p212
4. Market entry status of manufacturers of Dielectric materials p213
5. Product characteristic of materials for FO-WLP/PLP p222
6. Trends of market and manufacturers
6.1 Market size in 2019 and the breakdowns p225
- Total market
- Market for buffer coat
- Market for RDL
6.2 Sales status of major dielectric material manufacturers p241
- Total market
- Market for buffer coat
- Market for RDL
- RDL market for FO-WLP
6.3 Market size forecast p260
- Total liquid market
- Liquid market for buffer coat
- Liquid market for RDL
- Liquid market for FO-WLP/PLP
Chapter 5 Case studies of material manufacturers
Asahi Kasei p275
Toray Industries p280
HD MicroSystems p286
Fujifilm Electronic Materials p291
Sumitomo Bakelite p296
Showa Denko Materials p303
Shin-Etsu Chemical p306
Ajinomoto Fine-Techno p310
Nagase ChemteX p314
Panasonic p318
Namics p322
Sunyu Rec p325