
CCL Report 2023

CCL Report 2023
~ Analyzing the Global Market Trends of Copper Clad Laminates and Movements in the promising fields ~

Focal points of the Report

* Analysis of the global market overview of CCLs in 2022 through conducting a detailed investigation into the trends of key suppliers and forecasting the market size by product types and applications up until 2032. 

* Analysis of the market share, production sites, and production capacity of the major 37 companies including Kingboard, SYTECH, Nan Ya Plastics from China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Western countries. 

* Analysis of the movements of CCLs in promising fields, including CCLs for IC substrate and automotive applications, as well as Low Loss CCLs for HSDs and antennas.
*Brochure is here

Table of Contents

Market Overview

Summary of the global CCL market in 2022  ...2
Global CCL market size forecast  ...4
Market trends of the top players  ...5

Chapter I Market Overview

I-1 General movements in the global CCL market 
Global CCL market size by types in 2022  ...8 
Global CCL market size by applications in 2022  ...9 
Major manufacturers’ sales value in 2022  ...11 
Global CCL market size forecast by types in value  ...13 
Global CCL market size forecast by types in volume  ...15 
Estimated Average Selling Prices of CCL by types  ...17 
Global CCL market size forecast by applications in value  ...18
I-2 Market overview by CCL types
Movements in the global paper phenolic CCL market  ...21 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global paper phenolic CCL market in 2022  ...22 
Movements in the global composite CCL market  ...23 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global composite CCL market in 2022  ...24 
Movements in the global low Tg glass epoxy CCL market  ...25 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global low Tg glass epoxy CCL market in 2022  ...26 
Movements in the global middle Tg glass epoxy CCL market  ...27 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global middle Tg glass epoxy CCL market in 2022  ...28 
Movements in the global high Tg glass epoxy CCL market  ...29 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global high Tg glass epoxy CCL market in 2022  ...30 
Movements in the global high functional CCL market  ...31 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global high functional CCL market in 2022...32 
Movements in the global metal base CCL market  ...33 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global metal base CCL market in 2022  ...34 
Movements in the global insulation material market  ...35 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global insulation material market in 2022   ...36 
Movements in the global FCCL market  ...37 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global FCCL market in 2022  ...38
I-3 Market overview by applications 
Movements in the global CCL market for Consumer  ...40 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Consumer in value in 2022  ...41 
Movements in the global CCL market for Computer  ...42 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Computer in value in 2022  ...43 
Movements in the global CCL market for Communication Infrastructure  ...44
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Communication Infrastructure in value in 2022  ...45 
Movements in the global CCL market for Mobile  ...46 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Mobile in value in 2022  ...47 
Movements in the global CCL market for Automotive  ...48 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Automotive in value in 2022  ...49 
Movements in the global CCL market for Industrial & Medical  ...50 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Industrial & Medical in value in 2022  ...51 
Movements in the global CCL market for Aerospace & Military  ...52 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for Aerospace & Military in value in 2022  ...53 
Movements in the global CCL market for IC Substrates   ...54 
Major manufacturers’ share of the global CCL market for IC Substrates in value in 2022  ...55
I-4 Major Manufacturers’ CCL Sales in 2022 
I-4-1 Major manufacturers’ CCL sales by types in 2022 
Major manufacturers’ CCL sales by types  ...58 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Consumer   ...60 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Computer   ...62 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Communication Infrastructure  ...64 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Mobile   ...66 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Automotive   ...68 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Industrial & Medical   ...70 
Major manufacturers’ sales by types for Aerospace & Military   ...72 
     Major manufacturers’ sales by types for IC Substrates   ...74
I-4-2 Major manufacturers’ CCL sales by applications in 2022
Major manufacturers’ CCL sales by applications  ...77 
Major manufacturers’ sales of paper phenolic CCLs by applications  ...79 
Major manufacturers’ sales of composite CCLs by applications  ...81 
Major manufacturers’ sales of low Tg glass epoxy CCLs by applications  ...83 
Major manufacturers’ sales of middle Tg glass epoxy CCLs by applications  ...85 
Major manufacturers’ sales of high Tg glass epoxy CCLs by applications  ...87 
Major manufacturers’ sales of high functional CCLs by applications  ...89 
Major manufacturers’ sales of metal base CCLs by applications  ...91 
Major manufacturers’ sales of insulation material CCLs by applications  ...93 
Major manufacturers’ sales of FCCLs by applications  ...95
I-5 The Global CCL Market Size Forecast 2022-2032 
I-5-1 The global CCL market size forecast by types 2022-2032 
The global paper phenolic CCL market size forecast by applications  ...99 
The global composite CCL market size forecast by applications  ...101
The global low Tg glass epoxy CCL market size forecast by applications  ...103 
The global middle Tg glass epoxy CCL market size forecast by applications  ...105 
The global high Tg glass epoxy CCL market size forecast by applications  ...107 
The global high functional CCL market size forecast by applications  ...109 
The global metal base CCL market size forecast by applications  ...111 
The global insulation material CCL market size forecast by applications  ...113 
The global FCCL market size forecast by applications  ...115 
I-5-2 The global CCL market size forecast by applications 2022-2032 
The global CCL market size forecast for Consumer by types  ...118 
The global CCL market size forecast for Computer by types  ...120 
The global CCL market size forecast for Communication Infrastructure by types  ...122 
The global CCL market size forecast for Mobile by types  ...124 
The global CCL market size forecast for Automotive by types  ...126 
The global CCL market size forecast for Industrial & Medical by types  ...128 
The global CCL market size forecast for Aerospace & Military by types  ...130 
The global CCL market size forecast for IC Substrates by types  ...132

Chapter II Movements of the CCLs in the promising fields

II-1 Materials for IC Substrates (CCLs and Insulation Materials) 
Overview of IC Substrate Materials  ...136 
Market trends of the IC Substrate materials (Value, Volume, ASP)   ...137 
Major IC Substrate material manufacturers’ sales in 2022 (Value, Volume, ASP)   ...140 
Major IC Substrate CCL manufacturers’ sales in 2022 (Value, Volume, ASP)...143 
Supply Chain   ...146 
Major IC Substrate manufacturers’ sales in 2022 (Value, Volume)  ...148
II-2 Substrates for automotive applications
II-2-1 Market trends of PCBs for automotive applications 
Rough category of automotive parts  ...152 
List of major automotive parts   ...153 
The Global automotive PCB market size by layer counts and by applications in value in 2022  ...154 
Major manufacturers’ sales of automotive PCBs in value in 2022  ...155 
The global market size forecast of automotive PCBs by layer count in value ...157
II-2-2 Market trends in CCLs for automotive applications 
List of major manufacturers’ CCL products categorized by glass transition temperature (Tg) for automotive  ...160 
Market size of CCLs for automotive applications in value in 2022  ...162 
Manufacturers’ sales value of CCLs for automotive applications by CCL types in 2022...163 
The global market size forecast of CCLs for automotive by applications in value  ...165 
The global market size forecast of CCLs for automotive (Powertrain system) by CCL types in value  ...167 
The global market size forecast of CCLs for automotive (Body system) by CCL types in value  ...168 
The global market size forecast of CCLs for automotive (IT/AV system) by CCL types in value  ...169 
The global market size forecast of CCLs for automotive (Power system) by CCL types in value  ...170
II-3 Market trends in Low Loss CCLs
II-3-1 General market trends in Low Loss CCLs Classification of Low Loss CCLs 
Market size forecast for Low Loss CCLs by applications (Value, Volume, ASP)  ...174 
Major manufacturers’ sales in Low Loss CCLs in 2022 (Value, Volume, ASP) ...175 
II-3-2 Market trends in Low Loss CCLs for HSDs 
A rough overview of low loss CCL-related manufacturer groups  ...177 
List of Major Manufacturers’ CCL products for high layer count PCBs categorized by Low Loss Levels  ...178 
Manufacturers’ market share of Low Loss CCLs for HSDs by Low Loss Levels (Value, Volume, ASP)  ...180 
Supply Chain   ...183 
Major manufacturers’ sales of high layer count PCBs in 2022 (Value, Volume)  ...184
II-3-3 Market trends in Low Loss CCLs for Antennas 
List of Major Manufacturers’ High-Frequency CCL products for Antennas  ...187 
Manufacturers market share of Low Loss CCLs for Antennas in 2022 (Value, Volume, ASP)  ...189 
Market size forecast of Low Loss CCLs for Antennas (Value, Volume, ASP)  ...192

Chapter III Manufacturers’ case studies

Japanese Manufacturers 
 Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.  ...195 
 Resonac Holdings Corporation   ...198 
 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc.   ...201 
 Ajinomoto Fine-Techno Co., Inc.   ...204 
 ARISAWA Manufacturing Co., Ltd.   ...207 
 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.   ...210 
 NIPPON STEEL Chemical & Material Co., Ltd.   ...212 
 AGC Inc.  ...214 
 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.   ...217 
 Nikkan Industries Co., Ltd.   ...219 
 Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.   ...222 
 RISHO KOGYO CO., LTD.   ...225 

Taiwanese Manufacturers 
 NAN YA Plastics Corporation   ...228 
 Elite Material Co., Ltd.   ...233 
 Taiwan Union Technology Corporation   ...241 
 TAIFLEX Scientific Co., Ltd.   ...244 
 Ventec International Group Co., Ltd.   ...250 
 ETERNAL Materials Co., Ltd.   ...255 

Chinese Manufacturers 
 KINGBOARD Laminates Holdings Ltd.   ...258 
 Shengyi Technology Co., Ltd.   ...263 
 Nanya New Material Technology Co. Ltd.   ...266 
 Goldenmax International Technology Ltd.   ...270 
 Zhejiang Wazam New Materials Co., Ltd.   ...273 
 Shandong Jinbao Electronics Co., Ltd.   ...276 
 Guangdong Goworld Co., Ltd.   ...279 
 Wuxi Grace Electronic Technolgy Co., Ltd.   ...282 

Korean Manufacturers 
 DOOSAN Corporation   ...284 
 NexFlex Co., Ltd.   ...286 
 Toray Advanced Materials Korea Inc.   ...288 
 SK Nexilis Co., Ltd.   ...290 
 Hanwha Advanced Materials Corporation   ...292
 INNOX Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.   ...293 

Western Manufacturers 
 Isola Group   ...300 
 ROGERS Corporation   ...297 
 DuPont de Nemours Inc.   ...300
