FO-WLP & Encapsulant Report

| Published on January 25, 2017
| Hard Copy & Soft Copy(CD-ROM):530,000JPY
| A4 x 182 pages
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Focal points of this report
1. Driver of Market expansion
- Application IC: AP, BB/RF, PMIC, Substitute PKG of 2.5D IC,
- Assembly base format: wafer base or panel base
- Assembly base format: wafer base or panel base
2. Technical issues for cost reduction and market expansion
- Shift from wafer base assembly to panel base assembly,
Enlargement of assembly work size
- Technologies and issues to realize panel based assembly;
warpage, mounting accuracy, tact, apply of resins for panel base…
Enlargement of assembly work size
- Technologies and issues to realize panel based assembly;
warpage, mounting accuracy, tact, apply of resins for panel base…
- Encapsulation and material
1. Market trends of encapsulants for FO-WLP
- Promise of liquid, granular and sheet types
- By usage: for FO-WLP, or for Other packages
- for FO-WLP by assembly base format, by application IC
- By usage: for FO-WLP, or for Other packages
- for FO-WLP by assembly base format, by application IC
2. Technical trends of encapsulation for FO-WLP:
- Warpage, application for panel base format, dust, die shift, non-filling…
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Executive Summary
1. Overall trend of FO-WLP market (P2)
1.1 Overview of FO-WLP market trend
1.2 Market size forecast of FO-WLP
1.3 Major IC to use FO-WLP
1.2 Market size forecast of FO-WLP
1.3 Major IC to use FO-WLP
2. The adoption of FO-WLP by AP (P5)
2.1 Summary of trends of FO-WLP adoption for AP
2.2 Market size forecast of FO-WLP for AP
2.3 PKG technology comparison of Apple's A series, and the related firms
2.4 Related market and cost comparison of IC packages used for AP
2.5 Technology roadmap
2.2 Market size forecast of FO-WLP for AP
2.3 PKG technology comparison of Apple's A series, and the related firms
2.4 Related market and cost comparison of IC packages used for AP
2.5 Technology roadmap
3. Trends of FO-WLP market by wafer/panel base (P10)
3.1 Overview on market trends classified by assembly base form
3.2 Market size forecast of FO-WLP on area base
3.3 Market size forecast of FO-WLP on vale base
3.2 Market size forecast of FO-WLP on area base
3.3 Market size forecast of FO-WLP on vale base
4. Market trends of encapsulant (P15)
4.1 Overview of market trend of the encapsulant for FO-WLP
4.2 Market trend forecast by form of semiconductor encapsulant
4.3 Market trend forecast of liquid, granular and sheet encapsulants by application
4.4 Market size forecast of encapsulants for FO-WLP by form
4.5 Market size forecast of encapsulants for FO-WLP by application
4.6 Market size forecast of encapsulants for FO-WLP by wafer/panel base assembly
4.2 Market trend forecast by form of semiconductor encapsulant
4.3 Market trend forecast of liquid, granular and sheet encapsulants by application
4.4 Market size forecast of encapsulants for FO-WLP by form
4.5 Market size forecast of encapsulants for FO-WLP by application
4.6 Market size forecast of encapsulants for FO-WLP by wafer/panel base assembly
5. Related companies to FO-WLP assembly (P22)
5.1 Major suppliers of material and equipment related to FO-WLP
5.2 Supply chain of encapsulants
5.2 Supply chain of encapsulants
Chapter 2 Trends of FO-WLP
1. Summary of FO-WLP (P25)
1.1 Features and issues of WL-CSP
1.2 Basic structure of FO-WLP
1.3 Advantages of FO-WLP
1.4 Wafer reconstitution
1.5 Process temperature and heat resistant temperature of components
1.6 Basic issues of FO-WLP
1.2 Basic structure of FO-WLP
1.3 Advantages of FO-WLP
1.4 Wafer reconstitution
1.5 Process temperature and heat resistant temperature of components
1.6 Basic issues of FO-WLP
2. Technical trends of FO-WLP by type (P35)
2.1 Types of FO-WLP
2.2 Assembly technology of FO-WLP by type
2.3 Assembling process of FO-WLP by type
2.4 Specification comparison of FO-WLP by type
2.2 Assembly technology of FO-WLP by type
2.3 Assembling process of FO-WLP by type
2.4 Specification comparison of FO-WLP by type
3. Enlargement of work size and encapsulation technology (P51)
3.1 Methods of cost reduction
3.2 Size enlargement and assembly-related technology
3.3 Encapsulation technology for WLP
3.4 Summary of the evaluation of the equipment and material
3.2 Size enlargement and assembly-related technology
3.3 Encapsulation technology for WLP
3.4 Summary of the evaluation of the equipment and material
4. Technical comparison of FO-WLP by type (P59)
4.1 Technical summary of FO-WLP by type
4.2 Summary of the evaluation of FO-WLP by type
4.2 Summary of the evaluation of FO-WLP by type
5. Introduction of FO-WLP and technology, classified by applications (P61)
5.1 Introduction of FO-WLP type by application IC
5.2 AP
5.3 WL-CSP alternative use
5.4 High frequency module use
5.5 Demand for multichip and space-saving
5.2 AP
5.3 WL-CSP alternative use
5.4 High frequency module use
5.5 Demand for multichip and space-saving
6. Market entry status of major assemblers (P79)
6.1 List of FO-WLP assemblers' status by type
6.2 List of FO-WLP assemblers' status by assembly work size
6.3 List of FO-WLP assemblers' application
6.2 List of FO-WLP assemblers' status by assembly work size
6.3 List of FO-WLP assemblers' application
7. Market trends (P82)
7.1 Current market size and various classifications
7.2 Production status of major assemblers
7.3 Overall market size forecast (2014-2024)
7.4 Market size forecast by assembly base form (2014-2024)
7.2 Production status of major assemblers
7.3 Overall market size forecast (2014-2024)
7.4 Market size forecast by assembly base form (2014-2024)
Chapter 3 Trend of encapsulation technology and material
1. Overview of semiconductor encapsulation technology and material (P108)
1.1 Encapsulation system
1.2 Encapsulant
1.2 Encapsulant
2. Technical trends of encapsulant for FO-WLP (P118)
2.1 Required characteristics of the encapsulant for FO-WLP
2.2 Liquid encapsulant for FO-WLP
2.3 Main technical problems of encapsulants for FO-WLP
2.4 Application and encapsulation to large format panels
2.2 Liquid encapsulant for FO-WLP
2.3 Main technical problems of encapsulants for FO-WLP
2.4 Application and encapsulation to large format panels
3. Applications other than encapsulation / MIS (P125)
3.1 Structure and characteristics of MIS
3.2 Production process of MIS
3.3 Design specifications of MIS
3.2 Production process of MIS
3.3 Design specifications of MIS
4. Product characteristic of major encapsulant manufacturers (P128)
4.1 Liquid type
4.2 Granular type
4.3 Sheet type
4.2 Granular type
4.3 Sheet type
5. Status of encapsulant manufacturers (P131)
5.1 Adoption situation of encapsulants by application
5.2 Status of major manufacturers by form of material
5.3 Status of major manufacturers by application
5.4 Status of major manufacturers of liquid material by application
5.5 Status of major manufacturers of granular / powder material by application
5.6 Status of major manufacturers of sheet material by application
5.7 Status of major manufacturers of encapsulants for FO-WLP by form
5.2 Status of major manufacturers by form of material
5.3 Status of major manufacturers by application
5.4 Status of major manufacturers of liquid material by application
5.5 Status of major manufacturers of granular / powder material by application
5.6 Status of major manufacturers of sheet material by application
5.7 Status of major manufacturers of encapsulants for FO-WLP by form
6. Market trends (P138-182)
6.1 Current market size by form of material
6.2 Major manufacturers' sales status
6.3 Market size forecast of overall encapsulants by form (-2024)
6.4 Market size forecast of encapsulant for FO-WLP (-2024)
6.2 Major manufacturers' sales status
6.3 Market size forecast of overall encapsulants by form (-2024)
6.4 Market size forecast of encapsulant for FO-WLP (-2024)